Prison of Hope – Update 1

So, based on the number of messages I’ve received recently, I guess some people are wondering what’s going on with Hellequin Chronicles book 4, Prison of Hope.


Right, well it’s been written and will be with my publisher soon. Then the fun part of  editing takes place. I don’t have an exact date for it’s release yet, although the beginning of next year is a good bet.


On the plus side, I should have news for the release dates for books 4 and 5 soon.


On the minus, there probably won’t be a novella out before book 4 as I simply don’t have time at the moment. I do have plans for future novellas, but they’re a sort of time willing basis.


Update 2 will be as soon as I get more info, but until then I hope this at least lets everyone know where things are.



Posted on July 21, 2014, in Prison of Hope, Writing and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Can’t wait for Prison Of Hope to come out because I really enjoyed reading your other books

  2. You are the man! Keep up the great writing. Some of my favorite books ever!

    • Agreed, I listen to audible while I’m driving and go through books like crazy. I can’t seem to find enough series I like to fill the time though so it leads to repeated listening, and the hellequin novels are some of my favorite listens because I never know what new detail im going to pick up.

  3. dude your one of the best writers that I have come across in ten years. Jim butcher was my favorite before you but now im just not sure. you have completely different styles which helps me make excuses to have you both me my fav. but for real keep books coming or else. any advice for someone who hopes to have there shit together enough to write something like this one day

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