Crimes Against Magic – Prologue

Not much to say about this week, it’s been very busy. Preparing Crimes Against Magic has pretty much taken up every second of time I’d had that could be devoted to writing. And it’ll probably be that way every week until it launches.

I guess a date might help. So, here it is. Crimes Against Magic will launch on 30th April. Yep, that’s right, I’ve finally put a date on it. Which means I have no choice, but to make sure it’s ready by then. I’ll go through prices and where it will be available closer to the time.

But for now, and as promised, here’s the prologue for Crimes Against Magic.


Soissons, France. 1414

Rumours of how the French had murdered their own people reached me long before I’d arrived at Soissons. Even as an Englishman, and despite the never-ending conflicts between our countries, I couldn’t accept that the French would do such a thing. But when I walked through the city’s open gates and saw the multitude of bodies lying side by side, I believed.

The town had been ripped asunder in an act of exceptional brutality, the inhabitants torn to pieces—men murdered as they defended their families, women brutalised and raped until their captors tired of them and left them to die. Not even children were spared, killed alongside their friends and families. The carrion took over, desecrating the remains even further. A city of a few thousand people, reduced to food for crows and rats.

It soon became apparent that there would be no survivors to the massacre. My search of the city only brought more dead, and even more questions, but few answers. Most had obvious sword and axe wounds, or heads crushed by hammer, but some had claw marks across the throat and torso. Something far worse than simple armed soldiers stalked the city.

I stopped by a partially eaten body. The man’s sword had fallen onto the path beside him. His stomach was covered in bite marks. Whatever had attacked him had devoured his internal organs. The bite marks could have belonged to a large wolf, but I knew I wasn’t going to be that lucky.

Dusk was beginning to settle. Birds flew home for the night, a brilliant red sky lighting their way. A low growl resonated from the end of a row of houses close by. I placed my hand on the hilt of my Jian, drawing the Chinese sword a few inches out of its sheath as I continued toward the noise.

I reached the end of the houses and peered around the corner. The stench of death had hung in the air from the moment I entered the city. But it mixed with something else, something more animal than human.

In the centre of a large courtyard, a beast sat on its muscular legs. Its maw was deep inside the stomach of a dead man, feasting loudly. Intestines had spilled out of the wound and now rested beside the body on the blood slick ground. Several more dead men were littered around, none of whom appeared to have been devoured.

I looked up at the sky. “It’s shit like this that makes me hate you.”

I stepped into view. The beast immediately stopped feeding and looked up at me. “Live food,” it growled.

A sigh escaped my lips. “You don’t have to do this.”

The beast stood on two legs, stretching to its full height. It was over a head taller than me, and its muscular frame was covered in dark fur, now matted with blood. The beast’s hands consisted of an elongated palm with long fingers, each tipped with a razor sharp claw. I should know how sharp the bastards were—I’d fought enough werewolves in my time.

The werewolf lifted its nose and sniffed the air. “I can smell your blood, little man.” It stepped forward and opened its mouth, showing me the dozens of wickedly dangerous teeth dripping with gore.

“That’s very impressive,” I said. “You know what I’ve got? This.” I tapped the Guan Dao strapped to my back. A Chinese halberd, consisting of a one and a half meter long wooden pole with a curved sword edge on one end and a sharp spike on the other.

The werewolf shrugged. “You’re just a human. I can kill you before you even draw it.”

“Maybe.” I hurled a silver dagger, into the throat of the beast. It dropped to its knees, desperately trying to remove the dagger as panic set in. Its long fingers were unable to get a good grip on the slick hilt, and it started to choke as blood built up in its windpipe. The werewolf raised its eyes back to me, utterly afraid, as I covered the distance between us and drove my silver-laced Jian into its chest, piercing the heart, instantly killing it.

I held onto the Jian’s hilt and placed one boot on the werewolf’s chest, dragging the blade from the dead beast with a sucking sound. A loud thud accompanied it a second later as the sword came free and the corpse hit the ground. I retrieved and cleaned my dagger before checking on the five dead men lying about the courtyard. The huge muscles in their shoulders and arms made them appear almost deformed, and each one was missing his middle and index fingers. Deep claw gouges sat in their flesh and one of them had lost his entire face when the werewolf had struck. Their uniforms showed that they’d been English archers, and they’d died in a horrific manner.

Then one of them opened his eyes. And screamed.



There you have it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Next week I’ll publish chapter 1, hopefully alongside details on how any review blogger who’s interested, can get a copy to review. Until then, have a good weekend

Posted on April 5, 2012, in Annoucement, Crimes Against Magic, Writing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. WOOHOOO!!!

    Congrats, Steve ♥

  2. I’ll say again (if I hadn’t before) that I really like the cover!

    And now I’m wondering why the dead men were missing their middle and index fingers? Is it for better archery?

    • It is an awesome cover.

      Like Gareth said below, the fingers were missing because the French used to cut them off English archers so that they couldn’t use the bow any more. For a while the English archers were the most feared soldiers in Europe, so the French had a special hatred for them.

  3. Great start…. I want more!
    The front cover looks awesome

  4. Awesome job, Steve. Congratulations on your upcoming release. It’s a great story.

  5. Nice stuff Steve mate, great to see this in action!

    Will be buying it the day it’s out.

  6. Hey Matthew,
    The French absolutely hated archers, they’d remove those fingers from those they’d captured so they could never again draw a bow. Its suspected thats where the two finger salute came from, where archers would stick them up at people to say “I’ve still got mine.”

    Definitely an interesting piece though. Thanks Steve.

  7. The prologue was great! Can’t wait til April 30th!!

  8. Hey Steve, so this is what you can do? Great stuff! I enjoyed it, it was full of atmosphere and action. The novel should be an excellent read.

    I sure you’ll get more than a few downloads come April 30th.

  9. Good luck meeting the deadline!

  10. Hi Steve, myself and my son really enjoyed that, well done you.

  11. love the prologue,going to chapter 1 right now!

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